Tuesday 1 October 2019

Aesthetic Medicine and Hair Transplant: Where we stand?

Maxillofacial Surgeons,

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is the field of dentistry which has reached far beyond oral cavity. There are huge number of oral surgeons who are routinely performing complicated surgical procedure related to orofacial clefts, TMJ, head and neck tumors, vascular malformations, facial trauma, plastic and reconstructive procedures, flaps and grafts, distraction osteogenesis, etc. successfully and very efficiently. We are the first doctor in mind of our fellow dentists whenever any kind of surgical complication or medical emergencies arise.
In past several years, various oral surgeons have learned and excelled the art of aesthetic surgery and hair transplant. After all it was not very different and difficult of what we were doing or learning. Aesthetic surgery is part of OMFS academic curriculum, we have knowledge of skin, scalp and other anatomical units of head and neck, knows how to handle medical emergencies, oral surgeons have surgical skills and eye of an aesthetician. The oral surgeons are capable of harvesting various flaps and grafts from distant areas. 
Yet where our community stands?
The IHRS, AHRS entitles M. Ch. Plastic Surgery, M.D / Diploma in Dermatology, M. S General Surgery, M. S ENT, DORL for membership but does not recognizes MDS oral surgery. The DCI consider our valuable skills but is silent on the question of eligibility to perform facial aesthetic procedures and hair transplant surgery. There have been instance where state MCI has concluded MBBS doctor to be ineligible to perform hair transplant but overall their stand has been indecisive. The AOMSI include several cosmetic surgical procedures of head and neck such as rhytidectomy / facelift, browlift / blepharoplasty, otoplasty, rhinoplasty, septoplasty, cheek augmentation, chin augmentation, genioplasty, neck liposuction, hair transplant, lip enhancement, injectable cosmetic treatments, botox, chemical peel etc. still many of the above invasive procedures are performed by graduate dentists, allied healthcare professionals, spa and parlors.
There are workshops and fast track courses which are conducted almost daily providing certificate to every dentist and allied professionals to claim themselves as cosmetologists or even trichologists. The biggest question which should arise among all of us should be how we are different from  quacks, ineligible or half baked doctors and beauticians who lacks bare minimum knowledge of anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, emergency management, hardly has undergone any surgical training and their centres are devoid of standard sterilization and disinfection protocols, emergency medicines and appropriate surgical infrastructure.
Such frivolous practice will only bring increased risks and complications, failures, negative publicity and disrepute to dental fraternity. It is not a social, mental and financial loss of oral surgeons but even grave risk to patient’s life and health. It is important that the issue should be raised globally. The governing council should lay down rules and regulations to practice aesthetic surgery and hair transplant by the general dentists, graduates and other professionals who do not have valid medical qualification.
It’s time to see a larger picture. Until and unless we raise our voice and concerns, request DCI to bring cosmetic surgery and hair transplant within the four corners of maxillofacial surgical procedures to be performed by qualified medical doctor/surgeon/oral and maxillofacial surgeon, lay down strict rules and regulation against short term workshops and courses for aesthetic surgery, cosmetology, hair transplant to ineligible professionals, the illegal and unethical practice of cosmetic surgery will keep on rising and there may be a situation where even deserving qualified doctors are refrained from practicing this novel art.
Thank you
PS:- This is a public and personal request to all my fellow oral surgeons to consider this matter and forward it to concerning authority (DCI, AOMSI, IDA, ISHRS, etc.) and also forward a signed response in favour /comments on this request to omfsclinics2013@gmail.com . All your responses will help in fighting for the cause with much strength.

Saturday 7 January 2017

How to Find a Good Hair Transplant Surgeon

There is no law in the India for now that requires a doctor to have any special credentials to perform hair transplant surgery, other than basic licensing as a physician.  This leaves many potential candidates for the surgery in the dark.  It is difficult to know the difference between a good hair transplant surgeon and an inexperienced one. 

If you know someone who has had hair transplant surgery, you have at least one person to whom you can go for advice.  You will know from looking at their hair whether the job was done well.  You can ask the person whether you were treated professionally.  That person will also know how much the total cost was, and if there were any hidden fees. 

You might not know anyone who has had a hair transplant procedure.  In this case, you might go to the telephone directory.  This is just a starting point.  Many of the doctors who advertise there are simply trying to start up a practice in the field.  They may have little or no experience.  This is just a way to get names that you can check out. 

When you contact a hair restoration surgeon, ask to see a portfolio of patients' photos before and after hair transplant surgery.  You should be suspicious if you are shown less than a dozen or so sets of pictures.  This may mean the doctor does not have much experience to brag about.  The pictures should be of good quality so that you can really see what kind of job was done. 

Next, ask for names and phone numbers of patients the surgeon has treated.  A doctor who has done many successful hair transplant procedures will have a list of people willing to talk about their experience.  You can call each one and ask about how the procedure went for them. 

Be aware that not all hair transplant doctors are scrupulous business people.  Many will try to fool you into believing they are more experienced than they are.  Sometimes, they will try to make you believe they do better work than they do.  They will show you pictures that are not true examples of their own work. 

They might show you photos that they have taken using lighting tricks to make the hair look thicker and healthier than it is.  It is often hard to spot such tricks, but knowing that some surgeons do them will help you to watch out for them. 

You will get some good advice if you go to certain associations for assistance.  For example our centre Follicle at Smile Carve, Jaipur is a premier center for hair loss therapy

It can be quite difficult to find the right surgeon to do your hair transplant procedure.  Do not give up.  There are plenty of skilled surgeons who can perform these operations well.  You just need to take the time you need to find them. 

Are Women Good Candidates for Hair Transplant Surgery?

Balding is not just a men's problem; women often lose hair as they get older as well.  You might wonder, if that is the case, why more women do not have hair transplant surgery.  You may be surprised to know that many women are not good candidates. 

Women usually have a different type of hair loss than men.  Male pattern baldness uncovers parts of the top of the head.  However, the sides and back of the head are usually covered with healthy balding-resistant hair follicles. 

Men with this pattern of balding will have donor hair that survives the hair transplant process and flourishes long afterward.  That is because a naturally-occurring enzyme in the body combines with testosterone to create a chemical called DHT.  This chemical is responsible for the hair loss on the tops of men's heads when they have male pattern baldness. 

However, it does not affect the back and sides of their hair in most cases.  These areas have healthy hair follicles and make excellent donor sites for hair transplant surgery.  These are called stable sites because they remain unchanged over time rather than shrinking like the hair follicles affected by DHT do. 

Female pattern baldness is different.  In most cases, they do not have large areas of stable balding-resistant hair follicles.  The sides and back of their hair tends to thin just as the front and top of the head do.  The DHT affects all the areas of their hair. 

Any hair follicles that are affected by DHT will simply fall out if they are moved by hair transplant procedures.  Moving them from one place to another does not affect the basic nature of the hair follicle. 

Also, women do not have the problem of receding hairlines in most cases.  Their hair is lost in a more diffuse manner, thinning uniformly all over the head.  It is not so much where their hair is that is the problem, but how much they have.  Hair transplant surgery will not correct this problem.  It is best used to move hair from one place to another. 

There is a very small percentage - about 5% of all women with baldness problems - who are good candidates for hair transplant surgery.  The thing that all these women have in common is that they all have healthy areas of hair follicles that can be used as donor sites. 

For example, women with mechanical or traction Alopecia have lost their hair because they have scratched their head for a long period of time, they have used tight rollers or their hair has been pulled or stretched in any manner.  These women almost always have an area of their hair that is unaffected.  If they do, they can have hair transplant procedures. 

Some women have cosmetic surgery and suffer hair loss around the incision sites.  In these cases, hair transplant surgery can help.  Other women actually have a pattern of hair loss that is similar to male pattern baldness.  These women are able to have the surgery, too.

Finally, women who have suffered trauma from accidents or burns are good candidates for hair transplant procedures.  If you are a woman with balding problems, is worth the time to consult with a doctor to find out if you are one of the women who can benefit from hair transplant surgery.  Our center Follicle at Smile Carve, Jaipur which is one of the leading hair transplant centre in Rajasthan and India offers free consultation for all kind of scalp and hair problems.

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Best Hair Transplant and Cosmetic Services in Jaipur

We have received several queries online and offline seeking cosmetic and hair transplant services available in Jaipur, most of them coming from females... of course! So its time to clear out some wind and give proper answer to this dilemma.
Cosmetic medicine has flourished in the past decade due to beauty conscious society and corporate culture. Many metropolitan and two tier cities have seen wide change and growth in cosmetic practices in very short span of time. During our search we have noticed the same trend in Jaipur too!!
We have collected wide database of patients through our follow up research to assess the satisfaction of each and every patient at cosmetic clinics.
Smile Carve is the best center for hair transplant, chemical peels, botox and dermal fillers, cosmetic surgery procedures in Jaipur. Smile Carve is long associated with Follicle (a renowned brand in hair transplant services), Revive (popular in skin care) and has official tie ups with several hospitals for post op care and major surgeries.
The clinic is clean, hygienic, spacious, situated at the city's heart, the team is young and very friendly.... The post operative care and the results are superb.
So, if you wish to undergo hair transplant or any face rejuvenation procedure then Smile Carve may be the right stop for you.

best facial and dental aesthetic centre jaipur
best hair transplant services jaipur